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The past is the maker of the future

 The past is the maker of the future

The past is the maker of the future

A person has the image he draws for himself imprinted on him. If a person believes that he is a failure, then this feeling and feeling will take possession of him and expand and spread to him until it completely controls him and he actually fails, which is known as negative generalization. It is said that a young man went to a Chinese sage and asked him to give him positive energy that would help him carry out what he wished for. The sage brought three bottles, filled one of them with pure water, left the second empty, and filled the third with turbid water. Then the sage asked the young man to be able to drink pure water from Through the bottle that contained the turbid water, the young man only emptied the third bottle of the turbid water that was in it, then tried to clean it using the pure water in the first bottle, and what remained of clean water, the young man put it in the third bottle and drank it, then headed off. The young man asked the wise man about the meaning of this matter. The wise man had no choice but to tell him that the first bottle filled with pure water is what expresses his hopes and ambitions and what he seeks to achieve in the future. As for the bottle filled with turbid water, it expresses what is inside this young man. Previous experiences, experiences, and programming, and that he must reconsider those previous experiences and programming in order to reprogram them correctly, otherwise he will not be able to achieve what he desires. A person who seeks to change his past must look at this past, benefit from his previous experiences, and transform those experiences into a skill that he can benefit from in the present time. We find every human being programmed in a certain way since childhood, and he grows up in this way, acts and speaks based on this way, and takes decisions through this programming. The question now is: How do we change this programming? This programming takes place in the brain in a specific place and occurs with the five senses. If any change occurs in these senses, the brain will not know it. That programming that the individual acquires from family, school, friends, the media, and the social environment as a whole, in addition to what he adds to that. God - the Almighty - created the mind for man to be his servant, not his manager. If you make him your manager, he will only manage for you the mental files that were programmed in the past... those files, of which researchers at the University of San Francisco and Harvard indicated that 90% of them have a negative effect; Because the individual acquires it from the social environment without any awareness or control from him, and therefore life may be unsuitable for the individual and his nature of living in life. I mention here the story of a woman who was afraid of cockroaches, so I said to her: Why are you afraid of them? She said: Because the cockroach's color is brown, which is a bad color, and by chance she was wearing the same color then? The lady said: Because his name is unpleasant, so I asked her about the name of someone she loves, and she said: Khaled, so I said to her: Then we will name the cockroach by this name, and whenever she saw the cockroach, she laughed. The human being is extremely powerful, but it is the structure that is incorrect, so we do not find a child born frustrated... The bottom line is that the previous programming is subject to change. If a person changes the combination of thoughts that cause negative feelings to thoughts that result in positive feelings, the experience changes, and when the brain returns to it again, it finds that it has been transformed into a skill... transformed into abilities. If we searched through the pages of the Internet for literature that talks about goals and their arrangement in a person’s life, we would find before us a huge amount of literature, the number of which may exceed fifty thousand books, but they all talk about what a person must do in his future, ignoring past experiences and their value in creating the future. Many people have become accustomed to living either within the past, cut off from the present and the future, or to soar in the broad horizons of the future without any connection between the past, the present, and the future... But the person who seeks to reach the summit must benefit from his past, making it a driving force that helps him achieve his goals in the future. the future . Just because someone has failed in a previous experience, it does not mean that he will repeat this failure again if he goes through the same experience. Rather, this person must look at the reasons that led to this failure, and try to avoid those reasons in his future, so that his past will help him to achieve success. Avoid falling into failure. The image that he draws for himself is imprinted within a person. If a person believes that he is a failure, then this feeling and feeling will take possession of him and expand and spread to him until he completely controls him and actually fails, which is what is known as “negative generalization.” Negative generalization is focusing on a specific, small thing and then generalizing this thing. For example, a person who is upset about something says that the whole country is bad. If a person generalizes a matter, he will not be able to make a decision. The person who says, “I am psychologically disturbed,” generalizes the matter and exaggerates it, so his feelings are exaggerated as well. So... This person must know what is really bothering him and begin to treat it, thus moving from generalization to specification. Finally, I say that there is no failure, but rather experiences and experiences. For any successful person in his life, you will find many falls and missteps. The harder you throw the ball to the ground, the higher and faster it returns to you. In reality, there is no failure. The failed person is successful in his failure, because the human mind helps you with the ideas you give him and provide him with. If you suggest to him that you are a failure, he develops that idea for you and provides you with all the support that confirms this and sends into the body the feelings and feelings that accompany failure. This is mental success in failure. We must not rethink the past so that it will be of benefit to us in our future, and we must not be among those who cry over spilled milk. If I lose a job, look for another... I remember that I was fired from my job twice, and I also remember that I applied to work in a hotel, and the man who met me said to me: There: “You will never be useful in working in hotels.” So I thanked him, and when I left him, I decided that I would be very successful in hotels, and I decided in myself that I would invite him to dinner after achieving that success, and in fact, when I became general manager in the largest hotels, I invited him to dinner, and the man did not remember me, so I reminded him of my meeting. And he rejected me, and I said to him: I thank you because you were the reason for pushing me to success.. However, a person must benefit from his previous experiences to be a good help for achieving his goals in the future. And know that the opinion of others about you does not and will not indicate you, because this opinion is based on the values, system and thinking of those others, not your values... nor your thinking... nor your concept. I, you and everyone are a miracle from God - Glory be to Him - so how can a person To judge another person to determine his fate?! From the book The Road to the Summit by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Feki
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